About our school

Wpisane przez: Matylda Gronicka
Odsłony: 4597
{weather Krosno,Poland}       Primary School with Integrative Classes number 14 in Krosno, Poland was established in 1982 so it has almost a 30-year-old tradition. Our “14” has a special character, because it’s a school with integrative classes, without architectural boundaries. It has been a part of a Complex of Schools together with Grammar-school nr 3 (students aged 13-15) since 2005. In our primary school there are six grades (years) for children from 7 to 12 years old, about 100 students at each level. There are about 600 students in our primary school. It is a school perfectly prepared for disabled children and for children with special educational needs. We are a student-friendly school, open for...
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