General information

Wpisane przez: Matylda Gronicka
Odsłony: 4598
{weather Krosno,Poland}
      Primary School with Integrative Classes number 14 in Krosno, Poland was established in 1982 so it has almost a 30-year-old tradition. Our “14” has a special character, because it’s a school with integrative classes, without architectural boundaries. It has been a part of a Complex of Schools together with Grammar-school nr 3 (students aged 13-15) since 2005. In our primary school there are six grades (years) for children from 7 to 12 years old, about 100 students at each level. There are about 600 students in our primary school. It is a school perfectly prepared for disabled children and for children with special educational needs. We are a student-friendly school, open for every specific need of any child. A specialised, well-trained staff guarantees not only a high level of education but also a friendly atmosphere so needed for children to feel safe. We are a sport-aimed school with a lot of places and equipment enabling to practice almost any sport a student likes. For this reason the name of our school is “named after Polish Olympics”.
      We are one of only a few primary schools in Poland which is UNESCO associated. We carry out and realise programmes and ideas propagated by this international organisation. The most important of them are to obey the human rights, children’s rights, proecological education, respecting national identity and multicultural awareness.
        We offer our children a lot of activities during afternoon classes. Some of them are: reciting classes, drama classes, musical, dancing (students from our school are number one in national dancing contests and appear on TV programmes), vocal, art, art and craft, foreign languages, modelling, ornithologist, maths, ecological, gymnastics and sport classes. Thanks to our teachers who work eagerly and willingly, our students get high positions in local, national and international contests and tournaments. For students especially talented and gifted some extra lessons are made to develop their interests and skills. During regional and national educational tests we get high places and score lots of points.
            In our offer we also have specialistic classes so parents may turn to a specialist like a speech therapist or a highly qualified educator. Our school is a well-equipped educational centre with modern classrooms, a few gym halls, a professional gym, a modern indoor swimming-pool and a few computer classrooms. In our school we also have a canteen, doctors and dentists.
      We are one of only a few schools in the whole region which has a “riding / driving town” which imitates a real town with roads, traffic lights and road signs. Children may learn there how to move safely on the road. Apart from that, we are the only school which has a modern indoor swimming pool. In 2003 we got a national title “A School with a Standard”, in 2004 we got a certificate of attendance in an international holiday from Brussels and in 2004 we started a Comenius project “I present my town” with schools from Italy and Holland. Since the beginning of our existence we keep international contacts with schools from Denmark, Italy. Slovakia, Malta etc.
      In September 2004 we started a Comenius project “I present my home town” with partners from Italy and Holland. Since we communicate in English, such cooperation is a great motivation for our students and teachers to learn foreign languages. In April 2005 a group of students and teachers went with a visit to Nettuno in Italy. This meeting is an element of the international Comenius project. In those years we were one of only two primary schools in Krosno which took part in Comenius project.
      In 2005 a group of our students and teachers represented our country in the USA during Youth Olympic Tournament and later at various football contests e.g. in France. This year we started a cooperation with schools from Turkey, Italy, Latvia, Malta and Romania. Together we created a Comenius project “Constructing Multicultural Perspective on Our European Identitiy” and applied to our National Agencies. We hope to get a positive answer and start a great international friendship!

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